
Nominatim (from the Latin, ‘by name’) is a tool to search OSM data by name and address and to generate synthetic addresses of OSM points (reverse geocoding). Using Geocoder you can retrieve OSM’s geocoded data from Nominatim.

Simple usage

OpenStreetMap does not require any keys for work. So you can begin without any setup.

import geocoder

g = geocoder.osm('New York city')
# [40.7127281, -74.0060152]
# Same as g.latlng: [40.7127281, -74.0060152]

This provider may return multiple results by setting the parameter max_results to the desired number. By default, 1 entry retrieved. Multiple results contained as internal sequence. You can check any result, by direct member object calling like in normal lists. Without member number mention, object with index 0 is always called.

import geocoder

g = geocoder.osm('New York city', max_results=3)
# [40.7127281, -74.0060152]
# Same as g[0].latlng: [40.7127281, -74.0060152]
# Other result: [40.75126905, -73.98482021795536]

Custom or Local Nominatim Server

Setting up your own local offline Nominatim server is possible, using the following the Nominatim Install instructions. This enables you to request as much geocoding as your need.

Also, usage of any custom Nominatim Server is possible with setting url parameter. url should point to direct /search endpoint, check example below.

import geocoder

g = geocoder.osm("New York City", url="http://localhost/nominatim/search")
# [40.7127281, -74.0060152]

OSM Addresses

The [addr tag] is the prefix for several addr:* keys to describe addresses.

This format is meant to be saved as a CSV and imported into JOSM.

import geocoder
g = geocoder.osm('11 Wall Street, New York')
# {
#     "x": -74.010865,
#     "y": 40.7071407,
#     "addr:country": "United States of America",
#     "addr:state": "New York",
#     "addr:housenumber": "11",
#     "addr:postal": "10005",
#     "addr:city": "NYC",
#     "addr:street": "Wall Street"
# }

Command Line Interface

geocode 'New York city' --provider osm --out geojson | jq .
geocode 'New York city' -p osm -o osm
geocode 'New York city' -p osm --url localhost

Helper method parameters

Helper method is recommended way to use providers, if no class extension required. During project modification this public API will be last thing for non-compatible changes.

geocoder.osm(query, method='geocode', **kwargs)[source]

OSM Provider

Provider supported methods:
  • geocode

  • details

  • reverse

  • query – Your search location you want geocoded.

  • method – One of provider’s supported methods, defaults to geocode.

  • url – Custom OSM Server URL location (ex:

Working class API

class geocoder.providers.OsmQuery(location, url=None, key=None, timeout=None, proxies=None, session=None, headers=None, params=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: geocoder.base.MultipleResultsQuery

Nominatim API Reference:


Special method implementation for custom MutableSequence subclass

Not expected to be nested or changed in subclasses.


S.append(value) – append value to the end of the sequence

clear() None -- remove all items from S
count(value) integer -- return number of occurrences of value

Display debug information for instance of MultipleResultsQuery


S.extend(iterable) – extend sequence by appending elements from the iterable

index(value[, start[, stop]]) integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but recommended.

insert(index, value)

Special method implementation for custom MutableSequence subclass

Not expected to be nested or changed in subclasses.

pop([index]) item -- remove and return item at index (default last).

Raise IndexError if list is empty or index is out of range.

rate_limited_get(url, **kwargs)

By default, simply wraps a requests.get() request


S.remove(value) – remove first occurrence of value. Raise ValueError if the value is not present.


S.reverse() – reverse IN PLACE

property geojson

Output all answers as GeoJSON FeatureCollection

property has_data

Status of geocoding if request was made


RuntimeError – When external request was not made before property call

property status

Specify current summary status of instance

Possible statuses:

  • “External request was not made”

  • “OK” - when request was made, and any result retrieved

  • requests error text representation, if request faced error

  • “ERROR - No results found”

  • “ERROR - Unhandled Exception”

Returned object properties

class geocoder.providers.OsmResult(json_content)[source]

Bases: geocoder.base.OneResult


Display debug information for instance of OneResult

property accuracy
property address

Full comma-separated address

property allotments


Dacha or cottage settlement, which is located outside other inhabited locality. This value is used mainly in Russia and other countries of the former Soviet Union, where a lot of such unofficial settlements exist

property bbox

Output answer as GeoJSON bbox if it can be calculated/retrieved.

property bounds

Output answer as Google Maps API bounds if it can be calculated/retrieved.

property city


The largest urban settlements in the territory, normally including the national, state and provincial capitals. These are defined by charter or other governmental designation in some territories and are a matter of judgement in others. Should normally have a population of at least 100,000 people and be larger than nearby towns.

See place=suburb and place=neighbourhood on how to tag divisions within a city. The outskirts of urban settlements may or may not match the administratively declared boundary of the city.

property confidence

Is as a measure of how confident we are that centre point coordinates returned for the result precisely reflect the result.

property country


property country_code


property county


property district


property east

Return optional east coordinate of bbox, if available.

property farm


A farm that has its own name. If the farm is not a part of bigger settlement use place=isolated_dwelling. See also landuse=farmyard

property geojson

Output answer as GeoJSON Feature

property geometry

Output answer as GeoJSON Point

property hamlet


A smaller rural community typically with less than 100-200 inhabitants, few infrastructure.

property house_number
property icon
property importance
property island


Identifies the coastline of an island (> 1 km2), also consider place=islet for very small islandsIdentifies the coastline of an island (> 1 km2), also consider place=islet for very small islands

property isolated_dwelling


Smallest kind of human settlement. No more than 2 households.

property lat

Latitude of the object

property latlng

Optional list of latitude and longitude values.

property license
property lng

Longitude of the object

property locality


For an unpopulated named place.

property municipality


property neighborhood


A named part of a place=village, a place=town or a place=city. Smaller than place=suburb and place=quarter.

The tag can be used for any kind of landuse or mix of landuse (such as residential, commercial, industrial etc). Usage of this term depends greatly on local history, culture, politics, economy and organization of settlements. More specific rules are intentionally avoided.

Note: the British English spelling is used rather than the

American English spelling of neighborhood.

property north

Return optional north coordinate of bbox, if available.

property northeast

Return north-east list of coordinates for bounds, if available.

property ok

Status of retrieving location/IP coordinates or reverse geocoding.

Usually should be replaced in reverse results class.

property osm_id
property osm_type
property place_id
property place_rank
property population
property postal
property quality
property quarter


A named part of a bigger settlement where this part is smaller than a suburb and bigger than a neighbourhood. This does not have to be an administrative entity.

The term quarter is sometimes used synonymously for neighbourhood.

property region


property south

Return optional south coordinate of bbox, if available.

property southwest

Return south-west list of coordinates for bounds, if available.

property state


property status

Specify current summary status of instance

property street
property suburb


A distinct section of an urban settlement (city, town, etc.) with its own name and identity. e.g.

  • annexed towns or villages which were formerly independent,

  • independent (or dependent) municipalities within a city or next to a much bigger town

  • historical districts of settlements

  • industrial districts or recreation areas within a settlements with specific names.

property town


A second tier urban settlement of local importance, often with a population of 10,000 people and good range of local facilities including schools, medical facilities etc and traditionally a market. In areas of low population, towns may have significantly lower populations.

See place=neighbourhood and possibly also place=suburb on how to tag divisions within a town.

property type
property village


A smaller distinct settlement, smaller than a town with few facilities available with people traveling to nearby towns to access these. Populations of villages vary widely in different territories but will nearly always be less than 10,000 people, often a lot less.

See place=neighbourhood on how to tag divisions within a larger village

property west

Return optional west coordinate of bbox, if available.

property wkt

Output coordinates in well-known text format, no SRID data.

property x

Longitude of the object

property xy

Optional list of longitude and latitude values.

property y

Latitude of the object
